Komunikasi Serial Arduino Dengan Delphi
- Komunikasi Serial Arduino Dengan Delphi 7
- Komunikasi Serial Arduino
- Komunikasi Serial Arduino Dengan Delphine
1.0 -guide-to-learn-and-understand-arduino-programming-effectively.pdf. -html-editor-component-for-delphi-stack-overflow.pdf 2018-12-27T00:00:00+00:00 1.0. Ada artikel-artikel sebelumnya telah dibahas cara membuat sensor suhu dengan Arduino dan juga cara komunikasi data serial pada Arduino. Pada artikel kali ini kita akan membahas bagaimana cara membaca data dari Arduino dan menampilkannya di komputer melalui komunikasi serial.
- Samson Hines
- 2 years ago
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1 LAMPIRAN A LISTING PROGRAM APLIKASI DENGAN DELPHI 7. A-1 LISTING PROGRAM APLIKASI DENGAN AVR STUDIO 4.. A-17 unit rfid; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, QCCom32, StdCtrls, Buttons, DB, DBTables, Grids, DBGrids; type TForm1 = class(tform) com: TQCCom32; Pnokartu: TPanel; Timer1: TTimer; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; pjam: TPanel; ptanggal: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; Panel4: TPanel; pkomputer1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; BitBtn2: TBitBtn; BitBtn3: TBitBtn; DataSource1: TDataSource; DataSource2: TDataSource; Tcustomer: TTable; A-1
2 Tlog: TTable; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; Ttarif: TTable; DataSource3: TDataSource; Lkomputer1: TLabel; LTkomputer1: TLabel; pkomputer2: TPanel; LKomputer2: TLabel; LTkomputer2: TLabel; pkomputer3: TPanel; LKomputer3: TLabel; LTkomputer3: TLabel; pkomputer4: TPanel; LKomputer4: TLabel; LTKomputer4: TLabel; BitBtn4: TBitBtn; BitBtn5: TBitBtn; BitBtn6: TBitBtn; BitBtn7: TBitBtn; BitBtn8: TBitBtn; BitBtn9: TBitBtn; BitBtn10: TBitBtn; BitBtn11: TBitBtn; pst1hidup: TPanel; pst1masalah: TPanel; pst1mati: TPanel; pst2hidup: TPanel; pst2masalah: TPanel; pst2mati: TPanel; pst3hidup: TPanel; pst3masalah: TPanel; pst3mati: TPanel; pst4hidup: TPanel; pst4masalah: TPanel; pst4mati: TPanel; Panel1: TPanel; Panel3: TPanel; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn8Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn10Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn5Click(Sender: TObject); A-2
3 procedure BitBtn7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn9Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn11Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } var Form1: TForm1; datars232,datacom:string; datakartu:string; datakartun,datacomn:longint; code:integer; detik,detiklama:integer; STKomputer1,STKomputer2,STKomputer3,STKomputer4:boolean; Jam1,Menit1,Detik1, Jam2,Menit2,Detik2, Jam3,Menit3,Detik3, Jam4,Menit4,Detik4:integer; Rupiah1,Rupiah2,Rupiah3,Rupiah4,TarifRupiah, RupiahDBF1,RupiahDBF2,RupiahDBF3,RupiahDBF4:integer; STmasuk:boolean; NomorKomputer:string; STKomputer:integer; ketemu,dataataustatus:boolean; statuskom1,statuskom2,statuskom3,statuskom4:boolean; {status dari komputer} statusdatakom1,statusdatakom2,statusdatakom3,statusdatakom4:boolean; {status dari alat} implementation uses unitcustomer,unittarif; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); pjam.caption:=formatdatetime('hh:mm:ss',time); ptanggal.caption:=formatdatetime('dd/mm/yyyy',date); detik:=strtoint(copy(pjam.caption,7,2)); {Pengambilan jam dan tanggal dari system computer} {pengecekan perubahan detik} if detik<>detiklama then detiklama:=detik; if STKomputer1 then A-3
4 {penampilan status computer 1 ke layar jika aktif} pkomputer1.color:=cllime; detik1:=detik1+1; if detik1=60 then detik1:=0; menit1:=menit1+1; if menit1=60 then menit1:=0; jam1:=jam1+1; rupiah1:=rupiah1+tarifrupiah; Lkomputer1.caption:=inttostr(jam1)+':'+inttostr(menit1)+':'+inttostr(detik1); LTkomputer1.caption:='Rp. '+inttostr(rupiah1); {end komputer1} if STKomputer2 then {penampilan status computer 2 ke layar jika aktif} pkomputer2.color:=cllime; detik2:=detik2+1; if detik2=60 then detik2:=0; menit2:=menit2+1; if menit2=60 then menit2:=0; jam2:=jam2+1; rupiah2:=rupiah2+tarifrupiah; Lkomputer2.caption:=inttostr(jam2)+':'+inttostr(menit2)+':'+inttostr(detik2); LTkomputer2.caption:='Rp. '+inttostr(rupiah2); {end komputer2} if STKomputer3 then {penampilan status computer 3 ke layar jika aktif} pkomputer3.color:=cllime; detik3:=detik3+1; if detik3=60 then A-4
5 detik3:=0; menit3:=menit3+1; if menit3=60 then menit3:=0; jam3:=jam3+1; rupiah3:=rupiah3+tarifrupiah; Lkomputer3.caption:=inttostr(jam3)+':'+inttostr(menit3)+':'+inttostr(detik3); LTkomputer3.caption:='Rp. '+inttostr(rupiah3); {end komputer3} if STKomputer4 then {penampilan status computer 4 ke layar jika aktif} pkomputer4.color:=cllime; detik4:=detik4+1; if detik4=60 then detik4:=0; menit4:=menit4+1; if menit4=60 then menit4:=0; jam4:=jam4+1; rupiah4:=rupiah4+tarifrupiah; Lkomputer4.caption:=inttostr(jam4)+':'+inttostr(menit4)+':'+inttostr(detik4); LTkomputer4.caption:='Rp. '+inttostr(rupiah4); {end komputer4} {detik} if not STkomputer1 then {jika status pemakaian computer 1 off} PKomputer1.color:=clwhite; Pkomputer1.Caption:=' '; LKomputer1.caption:='KOMPUTER 1'; LTKomputer1.caption:='Rp. 0'; jam1:=0;menit1:=0;detik1:=0;rupiah1:=tarifrupiah; if not STkomputer2 then {jika status pemakaian computer 2 off} A-5
6 PKomputer2.color:=clwhite; Pkomputer2.Caption:=' '; LKomputer2.caption:='KOMPUTER 2'; LTKomputer2.caption:='Rp. 0'; jam2:=0;menit2:=0;detik2:=0;rupiah2:=tarifrupiah; if not STkomputer3 then {jika status pemakaian computer 3 off} PKomputer3.color:=clwhite; Pkomputer3.Caption:=' '; LKomputer3.caption:='KOMPUTER 3'; LTKomputer3.caption:='Rp. 0'; jam3:=0;menit3:=0;detik3:=0;rupiah3:=tarifrupiah; if not STkomputer4 then {jika status pemakaian computer 4 off} PKomputer4.color:=clwhite; Pkomputer4.Caption:=' '; LKomputer4.caption:='KOMPUTER 4'; LTKomputer4.caption:='Rp. 0'; jam4:=0;menit4:=0;detik4:=0;rupiah4:=tarifrupiah; datars232:=com.read; { pengambilan data serial dari COM} if length(datars232)>6 then if copy(datars232,1,1)<>'s' then {pengambilan data nomor kartu} datakartu:='$'+copy(datars232,4,8); val(datakartu,datakartun,code); datakartu:=inttostr(datakartun); if length(datakartu)=7 then datakartu:='000'+datakartu; if length(datakartu)=6 then datakartu:='0000'+datakartu; pnokartu.caption:=datakartu; dataataustatus:=true; end else A-6
7 dataataustatus:=false; datacom:=copy(datars232,2,1); val(datacom,datacomn,code); if (datacomn and $01)=$01 then statusdatakom1:=true else statusdatakom1:=false; if (datacomn and $02)=$02 then statusdatakom2:=true else statusdatakom2:=false; if (datacomn and $04)=$04 then statusdatakom3:=true else statusdatakom3:=false; if (datacomn and $08)=$08 then statusdatakom4:=true else statusdatakom4:=false; STMasuk:=true; if (datakartu=pkomputer1.caption) and dataataustatus then {jika computer 1 pada posisi online dan siap di offkan} STmasuk:=false; STKomputer1:=false; STkomputer:=STKomputer-8; Tlog.refresh; Tlog.first; while not tlog.eof do if (pkomputer1.caption=tlog.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) and (tlog.fieldbyname('jm_keluar').asstring=') then Tlog.edit; Tlog.FieldByName('JM_KELUAR').asstring:=pjam.caption; Tlog.FieldByName('RUPIAH').asinteger:=Rupiah1; Tlog.FieldByName('DURASI').asstring:=LKomputer1.caption; Tlog.post; Tlog.last; com.write('5'); com.write('5'); com.write('5'); statuskom1:=false; Tlog.Next; {end while} Tcustomer.Refresh; Tcustomer.First; while not tcustomer.eof do if (pkomputer1.caption=tcustomer.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) then A-7
8 Rupiah1:=RupiahDBF1-Rupiah1; tcustomer.edit; tcustomer.fieldbyname('deposit').asinteger:=rupiah1; tcustomer.post; tcustomer.last; formcustomer.table1.refresh; tcustomer.next; if (datakartu=pkomputer2.caption) and dataataustatus then {jika computer 2 pada posisi online dan siap di offkan} STmasuk:=false; STKomputer2:=false; STkomputer:=STKomputer-4; Tlog.refresh; Tlog.first; while not tlog.eof do if (pkomputer2.caption=tlog.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) and (tlog.fieldbyname('jm_keluar').asstring=') then Tlog.edit; Tlog.FieldByName('JM_KELUAR').asstring:=pjam.caption; Tlog.FieldByName('RUPIAH').asinteger:=Rupiah2; Tlog.FieldByName('DURASI').asstring:=LKomputer2.caption; Tlog.post; Tlog.last; com.write('6'); com.write('6'); com.write('6'); statuskom2:=false; Tlog.Next; Tcustomer.Refresh; Tcustomer.First; while not tcustomer.eof do if (pkomputer2.caption=tcustomer.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) then A-8
9 Rupiah2:=RupiahDBF2-Rupiah2; tcustomer.edit; tcustomer.fieldbyname('deposit').asinteger:=rupiah2; tcustomer.post; tcustomer.last; formcustomer.table1.refresh; tcustomer.next; if (datakartu=pkomputer3.caption) and dataataustatus then {jika computer 3 pada posisi online dan siap di offkan} STmasuk:=false; STKomputer3:=false; STkomputer:=STKomputer-2; Tlog.refresh; Tlog.first; while not tlog.eof do if (pkomputer3.caption=tlog.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) and (tlog.fieldbyname('jm_keluar').asstring=') then Tlog.edit; Tlog.FieldByName('JM_KELUAR').asstring:=pjam.caption; Tlog.FieldByName('RUPIAH').asinteger:=Rupiah3; Tlog.FieldByName('DURASI').asstring:=LKomputer3.caption; Tlog.post; Tlog.last; com.write('7'); com.write('7'); com.write('7'); statuskom3:=false; Tlog.Next; Tcustomer.Refresh; Tcustomer.First; while not tcustomer.eof do if (pkomputer3.caption=tcustomer.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) then Rupiah3:=RupiahDBF3-Rupiah3; tcustomer.edit; A-9
10 tcustomer.fieldbyname('deposit').asinteger:=rupiah3; tcustomer.post; tcustomer.last; formcustomer.table1.refresh; tcustomer.next; if (datakartu=pkomputer4.caption) and dataataustatus then {jika computer 4 pada posisi online dan siap di offkan} STmasuk:=false; STKomputer4:=false; STkomputer:=STKomputer-1; Tlog.refresh; Tlog.first; while not tlog.eof do if (pkomputer4.caption=tlog.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) and (tlog.fieldbyname('jm_keluar').asstring=') then Tlog.edit; Tlog.FieldByName('JM_KELUAR').asstring:=pjam.caption; Tlog.FieldByName('RUPIAH').asinteger:=Rupiah4; Tlog.FieldByName('DURASI').asstring:=LKomputer4.caption; Tlog.post; Tlog.last; com.write('8'); com.write('8'); com.write('8'); statuskom4:=false; Tlog.Next; Tcustomer.Refresh; Tcustomer.First; while not tcustomer.eof do if (pkomputer4.caption=tcustomer.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring) then Rupiah4:=RupiahDBF4-Rupiah4; tcustomer.edit; tcustomer.fieldbyname('deposit').asinteger:=rupiah4; tcustomer.post; A-10
11 tcustomer.last; formcustomer.table1.refresh; tcustomer.next; {pengecekan untuk computer baru mulai} if (STMasuk) and dataataustatus then ketemu:=false; Tcustomer.refresh; Tcustomer.First; while not tcustomer.eof do if datakartu=tcustomer.fieldbyname('no_rfid').asstring then ketemu:=true; if (STKomputer=14) {jika status computer 4 aktif maka ambil data dan berikan kode nomor computer 4} then STKomputer:=STKomputer+$01; NomorKomputer:='4'; STkomputer4:=true; Pkomputer4.caption:=datakartu; RupiahDBF4:=Tcustomer.Fieldbyname('DEPOSIT').asinteger; com.write('4'); com.write('4'); com.write('4'); statuskom4:=true; if (STKomputer=12) or (STKomputer=13) then {jika status computer 3 aktif maka ambil data dan berikan kode nomor computer 3} STKomputer:=STKomputer+$02; NomorKomputer:='3'; STkomputer3:=true; Pkomputer3.caption:=datakartu; RupiahDBF3:=Tcustomer.Fieldbyname('DEPOSIT').asinteger; com.write('3'); com.write('3'); com.write('3'); A-11
12 statuskom3:=true; if (STKomputer=8) or (STKomputer=9) or (STKomputer=10) or (STKomputer=11) Then {jika status computer 2 aktif maka ambil data dan berikan kode nomor computer 2} STKomputer:=STKomputer+$04; NomorKomputer:='2'; STkomputer2:=true; Pkomputer2.caption:=datakartu; RupiahDBF2:=Tcustomer.Fieldbyname('DEPOSIT').asinteger; com.write('2'); com.write('2'); com.write('2'); statuskom2:=true; if (STKomputer=0) or (STKomputer=1) or (STKomputer=2) or (STKomputer=3) or (STKomputer=4) or (STKomputer=5) or (STKomputer=6) or (STKomputer=7) then Begin {jika status computer 1 aktif maka ambil data dan berikan kode nomor computer 1} STKomputer:=STKomputer+$08; NomorKomputer:='1'; STkomputer1:=true; Pkomputer1.caption:=datakartu; RupiahDBF1:=Tcustomer.Fieldbyname('DEPOSIT').asinteger; com.write('1'); com.write('1'); com.write('1'); statuskom1:=true; Tlog.refresh; Tlog.last; Tlog.insert; Tlog.FieldByName('TGL_MASUK').asstring:=ptanggal.caption; Tlog.FieldByName('JM_MASUK').asstring:=pjam.caption; Tlog.FieldByName('NAMA').asstring:=Tcustomer.fieldbyname('NAMA').asstring; Tlog.FieldByName('NO_RFID').asstring:=datakartu; A-12
13 Tlog.FieldByName('KOMPUTER').asstring:=NomorKomputer; Tlog.post; Tcustomer.Last; Tcustomer.Next; {end while} if not ketemu then MessageDlg('NOMOR TIDAK TERDAFTAR', mtinformation, [mbok], 0); {end if STmasuk} {penampilan status} if not dataataustatus then {status listrik komputer 1} if statuskom1 and statusdatakom1 then pst1hidup.color:=clgreen; pst1masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst1mati.color:=clbtnface; if statuskom1 and (not statusdatakom1) then pst1hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst1masalah.color:=clred; pst1mati.color:=clbtnface; if (not statuskom1) and (not statusdatakom1) then pst1hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst1masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst1mati.color:=clgreen; {status listrik komputer 2} if statuskom2 and statusdatakom2 then pst2hidup.color:=clgreen; pst2masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst2mati.color:=clbtnface; if statuskom2 and (not statusdatakom2) then pst2hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst2masalah.color:=clred; pst2mati.color:=clbtnface; A-13
14 if (not statuskom2) and (not statusdatakom2) then pst2hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst2masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst2mati.color:=clgreen; {status listrik komputer 3} if statuskom3 and statusdatakom3 then pst3hidup.color:=clgreen; pst3masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst3mati.color:=clbtnface; if statuskom3 and (not statusdatakom3) then pst3hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst3masalah.color:=clred; pst3mati.color:=clbtnface; if (not statuskom3) and (not statusdatakom3) then pst3hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst3masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst3mati.color:=clgreen; {status listrik komputer 4} if statuskom4 and statusdatakom4 then pst4hidup.color:=clgreen; pst4masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst4mati.color:=clbtnface; if statuskom4 and (not statusdatakom4) then pst4hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst4masalah.color:=clred; pst4mati.color:=clbtnface; if (not statuskom4) and (not statusdatakom4) then pst4hidup.color:=clbtnface; pst4masalah.color:=clbtnface; pst4mati.color:=clgreen; A-14
15 procedure TForm1.BitBtn3Click(Sender: TObject); FormCustomer.show; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); {start awal program dimulai dari sini} com.pick; detiklama:=00; STKomputer1:=false; STKomputer2:=false; STKomputer3:=false; STKomputer4:=false; statuskom1:=false; statuskom2:=false; statuskom3:=false; statuskom4:=false; statusdatakom1:=false; statusdatakom2:=false; statusdatakom3:=false; statusdatakom4:=false; STKomputer:=0; Jam1:=0; Menit1:=0; detik1:=0; Jam2:=0; Menit2:=0; detik2:=0; Jam3:=0; Menit3:=0; detik3:=0; Jam4:=0; Menit4:=0; detik4:=0; Ttarif.Refresh; TTarif.First; TarifRupiah:=Ttarif.fieldbyname('RUPIAH').AsInteger; Rupiah1:=TarifRupiah; Rupiah2:=TarifRupiah; A-15
16 Rupiah3:=TarifRupiah; Rupiah4:=TarifRupiah; NomorKomputer:='0'; com.flush; Tlog.last; procedure TForm1.BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); formtarif.show; procedure TForm1.BitBtn4Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 1 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('1'); com.write('1'); com.write('1'); statuskom1:=true; procedure TForm1.BitBtn6Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 2 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('2'); com.write('2'); com.write('2'); statuskom2:=true; procedure TForm1.BitBtn8Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 3 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('3'); com.write('3'); com.write('3'); statuskom3:=true; procedure TForm1.BitBtn10Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 4 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('4'); A-16
17 com.write('4'); com.write('4'); statuskom4:=true; procedure TForm1.BitBtn5Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 5 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('5'); com.write('5'); com.write('5'); statuskom1:=false; procedure TForm1.BitBtn7Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 6 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('6'); com.write('6'); com.write('6'); statuskom2:=false; procedure TForm1.BitBtn9Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 7 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('7'); com.write('7'); com.write('7'); statuskom3:=false; procedure TForm1.BitBtn11Click(Sender: TObject); {pengiriman data 8 ke modul melalui serial } com.write('8'); com.write('8'); com.write('8'); statuskom4:=false; end. A-17
18 LISTING PROGRAM AVR STUDIO 4.include 'c:avrm8535def.inc' {inisialisasi port}.equ kontrol1 =PB0.equ kontrol2 =PB1.equ led =PB2.equ relaykom1 =PA0.equ relaykom2 =PA1.equ relaykom3 =PA2.equ relaykom4 =PA3.equ portsensor =PINC.def temp =r20.def txbyte =r17.def rxbyte =r18.def dataku =r21.def datasensor =r16.equ fclock = equ baud_rate =9600.equ ubbr_value =(fclock/(16*baud_rate))-1.cseg.org $0000 rjmp mulai reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti A-18
19 reti reti reti mulai: ldi out ldi out temp,low(ramend) spl,temp temp,high(ramend) sph,temp ;ldi temp,ubbr_value ;baud generator ;out UBRRL,temp ;set divider ;ldi temp,0b ;enable TX and RX ;out UCR,temp ;to UART Control Register ldi out out ldi out sbi cbi sbi cbi cbi cbi cbi temp,0xff DDRB,temp ;portb output DDRA,temp temp,0x00 DDRC,temp ;port C sebagai input PORTB,led PORTB,kontrol1 PORTB,kontrol2 PORTA,relaykom1 PORTA,relaykom2 PORTA,relaykom3 PORTA,relaykom4 rcall init_serial loop: ;hidupkan jalur RFID kekomputer sbi PORTB,kontrol1 cbi PORTB,kontrol2 rcall readchr cpi rxbyte,0 breq loop mov dataku,rxbyte cbi PORTB,led rcall longdelay rcall longdelay sbi PORTB,led A-19
20 mov temp,dataku cpi temp,0x31 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 1 } breq relay1on cpi temp,0x32 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 2 } breq relay2on cpi temp,0x33 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 3 } breq relay3on cpi temp,0x34 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 4 } breq relay4on cpi temp,0x35 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 5 } breq relay1off cpi temp,0x36 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 6 } breq relay2off cpi temp,0x37 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 7 } breq relay3off cpi temp,0x38 {membandingkan dengan data dari computer data 8 } breq relay4off rjmp loop {subrutin menghidupkan relay} relay1on: sbi PORTA,relaykom1 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus relay2on: sbi PORTA,relaykom2 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus relay3on: sbi PORTA,relaykom3 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus relay4on: sbi PORTA,relaykom4 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus {subrutin mematikan relay} relay1off: cbi PORTA,relaykom1 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay A-20
21 rjmp kirimstatus relay2off: cbi PORTA,relaykom2 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus relay3off: cbi PORTA,relaykom3 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus relay4off: cbi PORTA,relaykom4 rcall longdelay rcall longdelay rjmp kirimstatus {pembacaan status listrik dan kemudian dikirimkan kekomputer melalui serial} kirimstatus: rcall longdelay ;hidupkan jalur Mikrokontroler kekomputer cbi PORTB,kontrol1 sbi PORTB,kontrol2 rcall longdelay in datasensor,portsensor andi datasensor,0x0f ldi txbyte,'s' rcall txchr ldi temp,0x30 add datasensor,temp mov txbyte,datasensor rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x30 A-21
22 rcall txchr ldi txbyte,0x0d rcall txchr rjmp loop {inisialisasi komunikasi serial 9600bps} init_serial: ldi temp,high(ubbr_value) out UBRRH,temp ldi temp,low(ubbr_value) out UBRRL,temp ldi out ldi out temp,(1<<rxen) (1<<TXEN) UCSRB,temp temp, (1<<URSEL) (3<<UCSZ0) UCSRC,temp ret {pembacaan data melalui serial} readchr: sbis UCSRA,RXC rjmp readchr in rxbyte,udr ret {pengiriman data melalui serial} txchr: sbis UCSRA,UDRE rjmp txchr ; Put data (r16) into buffer, sends the data out UDR,txbyte ret ; ; sub routine long delay ; longdelay: ldi R17,255 ldelay1: ldi R18,255 ldelay2: dec R18 brne ldelay2 dec R17 A-22
23 brne ret ldelay1 A-23
24 LAMPIRAN B Datasheet CD4066BC... B-1 Datasheet ICL B-9
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53 B-29
AVR410: RC5 IR Remote Control Receiver on tinyavr and megaavr devices. Introduction. Features. AVR 8-bit Microcontrollers APPLICATION NOTE
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